Ricardo Ruggiero
Founder, Axyn Technology Developer of the Axyn Ecwid Stacks, which allow easy integration of Ecwid E-Commerce Platform with RapidWeaver, working with clients from different countries establish their e-commerce presence.
About this speaker
Born in Brazil, I came to the US in the late 70's to pursue a bachelors degree in biology. I discovered my passion for computers and programming while pursuing my doctorate degree at the University of Kansas, and even chose the subject of my thesis to be computer simulations of insect search orientation behavior! I was hired at the Instrumentation Design Lab at the same institution , to develop software for researches, using Pascal, C and C++. During this time, I also acquired expertise in networking and computer hardware. Moved to Florida in early 2000 and started a networking company in SW Florida, and then later, a restaurant (which I still co-own). Once I sold my networking company, I began developing website for local non-profits, and about 3 years ago, began to program again and soon after, I began to develop my first stacks for Rapidweaver.